Bayside Engineering was retained by the Town of Spencer to secure construction funding through the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and prepare design plans to reconstruct a section of Maple Street (Route 31), which was in very poor condition and in urgent need of repair. Design improvements included traffic safety, pedestrian accessibility and open space enhancements on this gateway road to Downtown Spencer. All was performed in conformance with the standards and policies of the Town of Spencer, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Highway Division and AASHTO as required securing STIP construction funding.

This project fully addressed long-standing concerns of the Town of Spencer to upgrade pedestrian and vehicular facilities, improve roadway conditions, safety and to develop a roadway improvement program that meets the needs of the community and the appropriate design standards. More specifically the project included roadway rehabilitation, sidewalk improvements with ADA conforming wheelchair ramps, drainage improvements, improvements to traffic operations, new signs and pavement markings, pedestrian and streetscape enhancements.

The improvements resulted in upgrades to safety, function, quality and appearance of the roadway and thus enhance the transportation service it provides to the Town of Spencer and surrounding communities. The character of the community also benefited as a result of this project by providing safe sidewalks for access to schools, churches, open space (Muzzy Pond), businesses, residences and the downtown central business district.

Vehicular and pedestrian safety enhancements included:

  • Improve poor condition of roadway;
  • Replace traffic signal hardware at Maple St. (Route 31) and Main St. (Route 9);
  • Reconstruct sidewalks and incorporate handicap accessible ADA/AAB features/ramps;
  • Geometric visibility improvements at the Cherry Street and Adams Street Intersection;
  • Increase open space area an include landscaping beautification at Muzzy Pond;
  • Various other traffic safety and control improvements;
  • Drainage improvements; and
  • Incorporate non-participating sewer and water enhancements desired by the Town.