Bayside Engineering’s services on this project began at the planning phase, continued to the design development stage and concluded with final acceptance of the project after providing construction administration and conducting a successful field inspection. The project objective was to improve safety and efficiency for both pedestrian and vehicular travelers at this high accident intersection in the Town of Wenham.

Specific items of work included: performing an instrument survey to assemble design base plans and collecting traffic volume data and accident history to perform a complete analysis of the intersection. The analyses results with recommendations were compiled in a Functional Design Report submitted with preliminary design plans to MassDOT for approval.

Intersection design improvements included:

  • Roadway widening to construct protected left turn lanes for safety and additional capacity;
  • Traffic signal installation for control of vehicular traffic;
  • Pedestrian signals with a protected phase for safety of pedestrians;
  • Construction of ADA compliant sidewalks and wheelchair ramps to improve pedestrian accessibility;
  • Reclamation of the roadway pavement that improved the road surface while improving existing drainage issues;
  • Installing new signs and pavement markings

Throughout the design process, Bayside coordinated with Town official to participate in design review coordination meetings with local residents to solicit input. Bayside also presented the design at the official Public Hearing with MassDOT. Temporary right of way documents were necessary in order to construct the proposed improvements.

Bayside’s tasks included project planning and design development of the construction bid documents that included final design plans, special provisions and an itemized construction cost estimate (PS & E). These responsibilities continued throughout the construction process with review, approval and distribution of shop drawings; advising during construction and evaluating subsurface conditions for appropriate foundation design of traffic signal structure. Bayside conducted the final inspection of the traffic signal installation to certify approval for acceptance by MassDOT and the Town of Wenham.