Bayside Engineering completed the architectural, civil, structural design and MEP design of this maintenance facility building and site in Erving, MA, which included repaving of the site and creation of a detention area. The maintenance building comprises approximately 6800 total square feet including a 6000-square-foot main floor and 800-square-feet of mezzanine storage. The main floor consists of three vehicle maintenance bays, an emergency eye wash area, offices and bathrooms. Above the office and bathroom area is a stair-accessible mezzanine storage area. Building waste is pumped through a force main system consisting of a pump chamber, pumps and 600-foot-long force main, also designed by Bayside Engineering.

Site improvements included: demolition of the existing maintenance building, removal of existing pavement, re-grading and re-paving of the site, creation of a detention area for stormwater runoff and repairs to the existing timber salt sheds at the site.

The building is a pre-engineered, insulated, metal panel wall system with a four-foot concrete crash wall supported by reinforced concrete footings with a slab-on-ground interior floor. The roof is a standing seam metal roof system. The interior of the 800-square-foot office and bathroom area is finished with stud walls and gypsum, flooring, tile and air conditioning.